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About me

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My Coaching style

Personally I find sitting opposite someone and talking about deeply personal issues is too intense. I prefer to get outside, go for a walk and a chat. I find that the great outdoors is an incredible healer. It makes us want to be our best. It makes us appreciate what we have. Whenever possible I will coach in this way. 

I will often record our sessions and go back over them on my own, sending you a report on our session and any "homework" points.

I won't just leave you to it after the hour. I will stay in regular contact throughout the week, checking in on you and being available to you should you need support.

I expect you to be honest with me. To be open to making some changes in your lifestyle and to do your homework.

My Story
Desert Ibex

For 9 years I have juggled my career as a personal trainer and the wonderful but exhausting job of bringing up 3 incredible children.

My route to become a personal trainer came from my love of fitness and physical activity and the need to find a career which could compliment my life as a mum and wife (then) living abroad. 

In my early 30s (when I first qualified as a personal trainer), my PT sessions very much revolved around beasting my clients. I knew that this was how I enjoyed working out and felt that in order to deliver a good session I had to almost break my poor clients!

Whilst many people still enjoy this military style of fitness, it is by no means the only way to find fitness and health. 

Personally, I have recognised that sometimes there is a need for us to be kinder to ourselves. To appreciate what we can do and to step away from viewing wellbeing as a series of punishments. 

Saying this, we have to look after ourselves. We need to be open to addressing what affects our welllbeing.

The best news of all, which it has taken me nearly all of my 44 years to work out, is that addressing our wellbeing can be fun, enlightening and life changing. It does not have to consist of hundreds of burpees and a strict diet of cabbage soup!

Desert Ibex
My Training
  • Ongoing NLP qualification

  • 2019 Wellbeing Life Coach Certification. Completed to the highest level of competency.

  • 2016 DNAfit certified trainer

  • 2011 Master Trainer, diploma in personal training (REPS level 3)

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